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A film you've never heard of but really should see. (Trust me.)

Sunday, July 15, 2007

"Stowaway to the Moon"

106. Stowaway to the Moon

This is mostly just a delightful memory. It has never been released either on VHS or DVD, and is rarely shown on TV since its 1975 debut. But, as a kid in love with the space program, I was right there with the young man who slipped aboard a shape shot. Sure it was unlikely. There were few places more impossible to sneak into, especially for a kid, than NASA. But this one (based on the book by William R. Shelton) made it seem plausible.

Here is the cast:
Lloyd Bridges . . . Charlie Englehardt
Jeremy Slate . . . Astronaut Captain Rick Lawrence
Jim McMullan . . . Astronaut Ben Pelham
Morgan Paull . . . Astronaut Dave Anderson
Michael Link . . . Eli 'E.J.' Mackernutt
John Carradine . . . Jacob Avril
Jack Callahan . . . Dr. Jack Smathers
Walter Brooke . . . Whitehead
Keene Curtis . . . Tom Estes

So, if you get a chance to view this adventure, do not pass it up. There is a journey for any aspiring young astronaut, on in the heart of one who ever was one.

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